Test shots to improve your mood

Over the 20 years I have been a filmmaker I have done a never ending amounts of test shots and shoots to learn new techniques or to test different equipment. In fact the majority of my YouTube channel is dedicated to just that. Over the last year or so I've been doing a wide variety of test shots and I realized I was building up quite the library of footage that I decided well it's not doing much good sitting on a hard drive. I mine as well put it up on stock footage sites. So that is what I've been doing over the last year. If I ever need to do any tests I find a way to film things that are interesting and using for stock.

This has turned out to be a very fullfilling endeavor for me. The situation in my life is as such that I can't really get out a lot and collaborate with other filmmakers outside of my daily work for Qualtrics. So this has allowed me to be wildly creative and just have a blast while doing so.

Most of the tests I do are with objects. Sometimes my kids but all the time it really takes me back to why I loved filmmaking to begin with. The endless possibilities and always discovering new techniques.

Micah Brown